Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Dye for Yarn Silk Tussah!

I decided to join the Boo-knits MKAL in November :Wintersweet on Ravelry. It requires a skein of Tussah Silk and beads! I ordered the silk from DyeForYarn  and it arrived! "Broken Terracotta Tile"
It is a beautiful deep browny red and is so divine! Now I have to buy beads. It is a Mystery Knit Along. I did Boo's Morticia MKAL and loved it and am so looking forward to the first clue. Trying to decide on beads is so hard, but part of the whole preparation process which I just adore! I'm enjoying reading the Boo forum posts on Ravelry and seeing everyone else's yarn and bead choices.
 This MKAL is lifting my spirits as I have been feeling down. I've been having so many CT scans, ultrasounds, blood tests and appointments at the hospital. My family, knitting and my garden are keeping me somewhat sane:).
I hope you are enjoying your knitting and creativity!


  1. It's a beautiful skein of yarn. Hope you're on top of the other things soon

  2. Gorgeous yarn, it is going to be a spectacular shawl.

  3. What gorgeous yarn! Can't wait to see it knitted up.


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