I finished the stripy socks in Opal. I liked knitting them and was amazed that the stripes lined up perfectly on both socks:). I think my niece will love them. She has big feet like me and my girls.
Mum also finished hers. This photo is of her socks nearly finished (red stripy). This is her first pair of socks and she has loved knitting them.

I know we are going into warmer weather here and it will be too hot to wear woolly socks but we don't care. Mum has caught the sock knitting bug and I think we'll be sock knitting all year round:).
I was very excited to see on Ravelry that Boo is doing another MKAL Boo Wintersweet
.It will be a lacy beaded shawl. I've joined up and bought some very
stunning silk tussah called Terracotta fromDyeForYarn on Etsy Germany. I can't wait for it to arrive! I still have to order beads.
My silk is a deep reddy brown and I'm thinking sparkly red/pink beads
will look divine. I love Boo's designs and know that this one will be
gorgeous just by the name: Wintersweet. The MKAL: doesn't start until November so I have to get my act together and finish some of my WIP's.
I am still planning to do the Craftsy class Fair Isle Vest with Mary Jane Mucklestone, but maybe after Christmas as I have too many things going on until then. I' d better get on with it all then!
Where ever you may be, I wish you all happy knitting!:)
The socks are great, Good luck with your new shawl, the color sounds wonderful. Hope you are feeling well,