Thursday, March 6, 2014

Show Win!

I put two of my beaded lace shawls in our local show and won first and second!:)amorticia (Boo) got first and Fylleryd (Mia Rinde)fylleryd was second. It was lovely to see so many gorgeous knitted items on display. I was very inspired to try knitting some different things.!

I'm looking forward to this weekend's Knitter's Guild meeting as I missed the last one. I love to hear and see what everyone is knitting!
I finished Rose Ribs by Evelyn Clarke . I am giving them to my mother in law for her birthday. She'll love the colour and has quite small feel and I think they will fit perfectly!:)

I am currently knitting Nancy Bush's Birch Leaf socks in a gorgeous green yarn I bought from
 The yarn is simply stunning!
I am also still going on Bella Botanica by Karen Strauss . I'm up to the last chart and am looking forward to finishing it as I am eager to start a new project:)

It is starting to rain here and I'm outside in my garden on my laptop, so I'd better go in and put the kettle on! Happy Knitting!:)


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